About Us

Babywearing International of Charlotte is made up of a diverse group of parents who all love one thing... wearing our babies.

Carrying an infant has been shown to have bonding benefits for both child and parent as well as calming benefits for the baby. As a central part of the Attachment Parenting model of child rearing, it has experienced a resurgence in popularity, but it's far from a new thing, and we welcome parents of all child rearing philosophies. Whether gathering nuts and berries or shopping at one of the every increasing grocery stores options, parents have had to juggle child rearing with performing their daily tasks since the beginning of time. Babywearing eliminates the need to chose between the two. (And it even keeps toddlers hell-bent on darting into traffic, safely on the parent’s back.)

As a group we strive to raise awareness in the community of the benefits of babywearing and offer a place for those who chose to wear to find the support and encouragement they need to be successful at it. Our group consists of experienced wearers, newbies, and even expectant parents (including dads!). We host a Babywearing Basics class the 2nd Saturday of the Month for those looking for a thorough overview of what babywearing is all about, and a "Stash Party" the 4th Saturday for more experienced wearers wanting to get together and swap tips and tricks.  We coordinate outings, walks, and parent's night outs as time and interest allow and maintain a lending library of slings, wraps, and carriers for our members to check out.

Sound interesting?  Then join us for an event or on our Facebook or Meet Up page and say, "Hello!"  We look forward to meeting you.

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